Monday, September 5, 2011

Crazy Dreams

I've always had weird dreams but being prego makes things even weirder. I have probably dreamed of giving birth at least 50 times and each time I think to myself "Woah, that didn't even hurt a bit!" Then there's also those dreams where halfway through I realize that my baby is 1 week old and I have never fed it!

I know that I'm not the only one who has reoccurring dreams about their future babies. Diedre had one where she would walk into her living room to find Ethan holding a ginormous baby and Diedre would be so confused because she never remembered giving birth or going to the hospital.

Last night I have two dreams where I had Blaine. The first dream my water broke while I was with Esther at MCC. We got into her car but we didn't know where the hospital was. We drove around for hours and finally found one. I checked in and the nurses said I wasn't even in labor, but they'd induce me since my water broke. They did but still nothing happened. Then one of the nurses checked to see how dilated I was and Blaine was crowning. She yelled for a doctor, but no one could come in time and she delivered my baby (a painless and easy birth). The baby was super cute, but no one but the nurse was there with me. Nate hadn't even been there. Finally Marquette and Cameron brought Nate and he was able to hold Blaine. I thought to myself "is this a dream? or is this finally the real deal?" I decided this one was for real but then I shortly woke up.

I'm sure my dreams with only get worse and worse the closer Oct 25th comes. I just hope that when it really isn't a dream it's still painless :)


Kristi said...

Crazy dreams! I had a recurring one where I would sneak my baby out through a hole in my belly, play with her, then put her back in because she wasn't ready yet.

Labor hurts less if you don't fight the contractions but work with them. Embrace them and keep your jaw relaxed because it helps your cervix open. I could go on and on with advice for birth, but you probably don't want to get lectured. It's hard work but so worth it!

You are going to be an awesome mom!

Marquette said...

Oh man, my dreams are going to be psychotic when I'm pregnant someday. My dreams are already bizarre.

That's funny that we're the ones that brought Nate. I think your subconscious is telling you that you guys need to move down here by us. Silver City's pretty cool! ;)

Stephanie said...

When I was pregnant with Ethan I dreamed that I gave birth to a Dalmatian dog! Hence the dalmatian dog baby shower I was thrown!