My sister Diedre warned me about this but I didn't know how serious she was. I have to wake up in the night just to reajust my arms so that blood will find its way back to them. Right now, my foot is asleep and I'm barely leaning on it and it's only been that way for like a minute. When I kneel down to fold laundry or something, it takes less than a minute for both of my feet to be asleep. Once I thought I would just let them go numb and wake them up later. BIG MISTAKE!!! It hurt so bad like the worst pins and needles I've ever had! I wanted to cry!
On a different (still prego related) note, I went to the doctor last week and he checked to see if Blaine's head was down yet, and he took his thumb and his middle finger and stretched them apart, pressed hard just below my tummy, and wiggled his hand back and fourth and said he could feel the head and everything was as it should be. This weirded me out that he claimed to have just felt Blaine's head and I told Nate about it that night. Nate was intrigued and I told him what the doctor did and Nate tried it. Nate jumped back with a really weirded out look on his face and told me that he totally felt Blaine's little baby head move back and fourth in his hand. I tried it myself and I felt it too! It's the weirdest thing! (hopefully Blaine doesn't have problems due to us moving his head back and fourth too much that day). It was really cool for both of us and it makes Blaine seem more real.
Bending over is getting harder too. Pregnant belly is way different than I thought it would feel. It's way more packed in and squishy to the rest of me than I thought it would be. Sometimes when I bend over to get something, I get a little out of breath and it puts a lot of pressure on my insides. Also, Blaine keeps getting the hiccups in the middle of the night. The last two nights I have been kept up by his hiccups! It's hard to sleep when there's a baby twitching in your belly.
Well, that's about it. 5 more weeks to go!