Friday, May 15, 2009


I'm so EXCITED!!!!!

Why might you ask? 

Because Nate and I are going down to AZ 
for Diana Lilly's Wedding!!!

We'll fly down June 17th and 
stay until the 21st (father's day)

If you live in AZ, I can't wait to see you!!

And if you are Diana, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

the end


The Bunzells said...

yay! We look forward to seeing you! :)

Jessica Judy said...

awesome! I'm glad you'll be home for a few days, I'll see you in June!

Rachel said...

So this has nothing to do with this blog, but I just watched your wedding video and I think you should put a link on your blog! You guys are so cute and precious!

Diana said...


I can't tell you how stoked I am that you AND Nate will be here! My life is so great. I can't wait to see you.
Ps. Your blog is so awesome. you are hilarious. I'm glad you started writing!